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'It really does chronicle not just my coming out process to the world, but also my boyfriend's,' he said, referring to longtime love Elliott Cooper. opens up about his reasons for not publicly coming out when he was younger and how 'vulnerable' he felt opening up about it on national television.

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So I was shocked that he hadn't, and there are moments there that are very emotional in the sense that I let him know that he has to fight.' On season 1 of their new reality show, Greg Jr. 'Greg and I had an discussion about him not sharing his sexuality or being gay with the general public, his friends and others,' the 'Judge Mathis' star told E! News. 'I thought he had because he shared it with us at age 18 and moved to Washington, D.C., and has been there for over a decade and that's a gay-friendly town. Father and son discuss Greg Jr.'s coming out journey on the first season of E!'s 'Mathis Family Matters, which airs in the summer of 2022. Find out which celebrities have kids who are part of the LGBTQ+ community… Judge Greg Mathis Sr.'s eldest son, Greg Mathis Jr., is gay. Many Hollywood, music and sports stars have spoken out over the years to share their love for their lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and nonbinary or gender fluid children.

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