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Other Pride events around New York include Brooklyn Pride (June 12), which turns 25 this year, and Long Island Pride (June 13). In-person events in New Jersey feature walks in Atlantic City and Montclair to benefit the advocacy group Garden State Equality (June 12) and a Pride picnic in Maplewood (June 13). #When is nyc gay pride 2021 free#Ĭonnecticut events include the 34th Connecticut LGBTQ Film Festival in Hartford (through June 13) and a free Pride in the Park event in Ridgefield (June 26). Missing “Naked Boys Singing”? How about naked boys camping? That’s what’s happening in “Camp Morning Wood: A Very Naked Musical,” a new queer comedy about a nudist camp and the conservative Christian politician threatening to close it. The show features a book and lyrics by Jay Falzone and music by Trent Jeffords, Derrick Byars, Matt Gumley and Jeff Thomson. It runs at the Asylum Theater in Manhattan, June 4-20.įans of the Real Housewives series may get a kick out of the new musical comedy “The Housewives of Secaucus: What a Drag!,” a new interactive comedy about five very competitive Garden State gals, including Anita Martini and Carla Cavatelli.

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